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Welcome to Professional Polish. Most of us don't realize it, but people are sizing us up within the first three seconds of an encounter. They are making judgments about us at seven seconds, and within thirty seconds they have made at least eleven assumptions about us, including our trustworthiness, our occupation, economic status, social status, credibility, ancestry, marital status, education, and our likelihood to succeed. And there is no erase button! So you have to make that first impression count! You will never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Fair or not, how others perceive you affects your success potential! Your professional image can be a wonderful marketing tool or it can be a liability.

Through our corporate seminars and individual coaching, we have helped others develop a professional image that reflects their industry, their position and their personal style, thus enabling them to achieve the success they desire.

Enjoy our Star Qualities newsletter and our Tips From The Image Coach. 

Jeanette M. Coon, A.I.C.I.
President, Professional Polish
Editor, Star Qualities and Tips From The Image Coach

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